
“Yo! get some sleep” Avril breathes fire on fan vouching for Azziad’s recognition on Hello Baby track

Well, we have to admit that once you hit fame and your trend graph keeps rising, it will be tough to get brought down by a few characters.

Azziad Nasenya is no longer a new name in the Kenyan music industry and as far as her TikTok wave might have reached.

The 19-year old Multimedia University student’s TikTok prowess hit rooftop after her video jamming to Femi One’s and Mejja’s Utawezana tune went viral.

Azziad Nasenya (left) and Utawezana hit-makers, Femi One and Mejja (right)

However, Femi was not going to table fans’ pleas to have the girl compensated for her contribution into the massive reception of the weeks-old track.

Also read : https://www.ghafla.co.ke/ke/utawezana-was-trending-before-azziad-femi-one-savagely-claps-back/

If anything, Azziad was blatantly told off.


Let’s move on to the latest, none other than Kenyan acclaimed songbird, Avril.

Azziad recently released her TikTok video lip-syncing to the songstress’ Hello Baby melody that featured Ommy Dimpoz.

Well, well, well…Ms Nyambura uploaded the video on her Instagram page, appreciating the challenge to her throwback track, sending love Azziad’s way.


3 days after Azziad’s ‘Hello Baby’ challenge was up, other Kenyans took it up as well.

The 34-year old curvy beauty could only gush:

Is there a Hello Baby challenge that I don’t know about? ???????? Well I guess in the age of social distancing, lockdowns, curfews, no hugs and no handshakes ???? .. Thanks for all your tags fam, I see them


This time though, her post attracted backlash from fans trying to get the Internet sensation for reviving her old track.

A curios fan identified as samantha_chilante commented:

It was started by # Azziad on Tik tok……everything Azziad touches ….sells like hot cake. You need to appreciate her for adding value to your song…not like Femi one who trashed her. Even though it’s veeery clear that people both local n internationally knew the UTAWEZANA song after Azziad did the hot dance with it.

TikTok queen, Azziad Nasenya


As Kenyan artists stop this lil pride and always appreciate where it’s due for a fact. Thus why Tz artists who don’t even speak English always gain international platforms and connections that we do….????. To Azziad ????????????….

Samantha’s point got driven home, only itch was how she composed it. Avril received the note but called out the fan for quoting individuals and publicly tainting their name.

@samantha_chilante would be lovely to make your point and not feel the need to insult anyone in the process ????.

Avril indicated that she had duly acknowledged the TikTok Queen as deserved, if only Samantha was a little keen enough.

Acknowledgment was done a few days ago. Do go through my full profile when you have some time .. stay safe ????????

Ms Judith Nyambura aka Avril

The spark

Unfortunately, Samantha only fueled the beef further, trying to explain why she quoted names and all.

@theavieway you know….???? it’s always good to acknowledge positive criticism and sometimes we’re forced to use some words that emphasize the point being made….i believe saying the truth about stuff is far from “insulting ” if i check the meaning of this word correctly…..plain fact is we see what goes on in our Kenyan artists n so the need to be…” painfully honest ” about the truth.

Further blasting:

This does not imply we hate you otherwise we wouldn’t be appreciating your music….but you know what…..sometimes it’s good to check outside your bubble to get the true analysis of how we’re doing…..fact check…..the” lil pride ” in our Kenyan artists….???? is lethal…..it’s killing the progress beyond our borders….????‍♀️ if this is an insult….???? i call it truth ….fact check sis…????

The fan had seemingly taken Avril’s kindness for weakness and the roaring lioness in the Kenyan singer had just been awaken.

Kenyan Queen, Avril

Avril unapologetically clapped back:

yo I wasn’t being nice cause I can’t be equally rude so keep your english lessons and scoot back on over to your page. Now go sleep.

Check out renditions of Avril’s Hello Baby jam from TikTok.



About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
