
“Release Jowie too!” KOT demands after Babu Owino is released on 10 million cash bail

Babu released on cash bail

Babu Owino is currently walking free after he was released yesterday on a 10 million cash bail and ordered not to take any alcohol!

This comes a few days after he shot DJ Evolve at B Club over an unknown matter. Well, DJ Evolve is still fighting for his life at the Nairobi Hospital where he has undergone several surgeries so far.

Jowie remains behind bars

After Babu’s release, Kenyans on Twitter could not sit back and watch the judicial system pull its usual stunts! Many Kenyans on Twitter have gone ahead to criticize and point out that Kenya’s judicial system is corrupt!

Release Jowie too!

Well this is because Jowie has been behind bars for almost a year now; after being linked to the murder of Monica.

As the investigation continues, Jowie remains behind bars as he was denied bail yet Babu Owino was caught on Camera shooting Evolve has been granted bail already.

Kenyans on Twitter have however gone all out defending Jowie through various tweets saying;

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
