
Chiki Kuruka sheds light on her breast lift surgery and battling mixed-race assumptions

Image: Chiki Kuruka opens up on trolls, assumptions made about her and her breast lift surgery

Bien-Aime Baraza´s long-time girlfriend has opened up on her mixed race, breast lift surgery and trolls.

The UK-bred dance choreographer who was raised in the Queen´s land admitted that living in Kenya was one of the best decisions she ever made.

My uncle, being a war correspondent, lives in Kenya because it is quite a calm country. My two friends who we lived with while in the UK, are half Kenyan and they were coming home. I decided that I´m coming with them and it was literally as simple as that. I came here and I was Like ¨this place rocks. I´m staying. I´m not going.¨ I found Kenya so beautiful and the people are really easy-going.


Unfortunately for her, being mixed race meant to many that she is bougie – something she fights with every damn time.

I also think it is something to do the fact that I’m mixed race as opposed to being black, people think that maybe I’m not so connected with my African side. I fight those two assumptions all the time because I’m from the hood and I’m proud of it. I have chosen to live on this continent, I couldn’t be prouder.

However, for her, Kenya is home.

So many people are trying to leave Africa and go to the United States or Europe, but the beauty is in this continent, the future is on this continent. I definitely think Kenya is the hub of East Africa. It’s just a good place to be.

I definitely think Kenya is the hub of East Africa – Bien Aime´s girlfriend, Chiki Kuruka gushes


Further speaking to Pulse in regard to her anticipated breast lift surgery, she added:

I don’t think it’s anyone’s business the decisions that someone else makes regarding their body. I’ve seen the genes in my family and children don’t do us very well. When I look at my aunts and their boobs are by their hips, I just don’t want that to be my story. Not reconstruction surgery, just put me back the way I was before.

Being a wellness instructor, Chiki is a public figure and where there is fame, there is love but so is there a fair share of trolls.

People who say nasty things online will never be brave enough to talk to me face to face – the wellness instructor affirms

Revealing how she is able to deal with the trolls, the beauty opined:

The reality is that people who say nasty things online will never be brave enough to talk to me face to face. And I come at it hard. So I would dare someone to come and say to me face to face something that they’d be brave enough to type. That’s normally the person who you’ll see in every time saying ¨Hi, oh my gosh, I love you guys.¨

As she came to the close of her interview, her last words were:
Mind your mind. When you feel good, you do good. So it’s okay to say ‘I’m not okay’. It’s okay to say ‘I don’t want you in my space’, because the better you are, the better you offer society.

About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
