
¨If you find a guy loves you and adores you, fight for him¨ Ben Kitili´s wife speaks after religion trolls

Image: Ben Kitili and Amina Mude

Ben Kitili and wife, Amina Mude´s marriage has been on controversy for a while now, but she finally speaks.

This is due to fact that Amina is of Islam faith while her hubby, Ben Kitili professes the Christian faith.

How they were able to even get married in the first place, remains a mystery.


In an online Q&A session with fans, Mrs Kitili confessed that their marriage was definitely nothing easy especially for her parents´ approval.

Well, they finally did.

Next question is, coming from 2 different religions, how is marriage life for them like?

Good thing that Ben is sweetheart. In fact, he is well acquainted with the Islam customs and religious beliefs.

But what of their kids?

Just as human as we are, there will always be someone in the same path of life like you. So Amina´s advice to her ´twinnies´ is:

Despite the trolls and backlash especially from those who profess her Islam faith, she has grown to tackle it.

And probably why a fan was all up to cheer her:

About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
