
Read this lovely letter Akothee has written to her children

We all know how Akothee loves her daughters.

The singer has confessed more than once that her family is the most important thing to her. She loves them unconditionally and no matter how they sometimes fight, she knows nothing will ever separate them other than death.


Akothee recently took to social media to share a long letter for kids appreciating them.

Read the letter below:

I place my hands onto your heads ,I bless you this morning my uterus may the almighty ashame your enemies, may all success be celebrated and all failures taken as challenges, may you grow as God fearing children just like your mother.may you never take that what doesn’t belong to you .may you learn to own your space because you are great. Walk tall because you own the land under your feet, always compete with time and yourself, you have no competition in this world. There is power in Uniqueness , Greatest of All time , I love you my darlings bye????????????????@@veshashaillan @rue.baby @fancy_makadia @oyootheprince @princeojwang love you


About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
