
This is why Mutahi Ngunyi might be broadcasting his tyranny of numbers in some far away jail very soon

Political activist might soon be broadcasting far away in some jail and this is after the Nicholas Gumbo, the chairman of the Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee vowed to drag Ngunyi to court over what he terms as the analyst’s attempts to ‘defame’ him through a corruption scandal.

And it all emanated from this tweet Mutahi Ngunyi made some time last week:

“PAC is a fellowship of thugs. A demand of 7.5 million shillings was made from me. I refused. Now they want me charged with Perjury. #PACApologiseToKenyans”

This is what has angered Gumbo and he has vowed to sue the politician who became an instant hit when he professed the tyranny of numbers would win the 2013 elections and it came to pass.

He has been constantly been meeting the committee in regards to his company which allegedly received monies from NYS during Waiguru’s tenure.


About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
