
Rapper Xtatic’s sad message after losing close friend

Kenyan Rapper Xtatic has taken to social media to mourn her close friend who has just passed away.

The rapper shared a sad post revisiting their last meeting before her friend, whom she identified as Dan, passed on. She also asked Kenyans to contribute for him to help give him a proper send-off.


“Damn. Words cannot express how I’m feeling right now after learning that Dan is no longer with us. Gutted. Shit just hit me hard. One thing about him was he always reached out to me and checked up on me if he could and if we had stayed a while without speaking. ALWAYS. And last Saturday was the last time he hit me up and the last message was #XtaticIsBack. I replied and didn’t hear from him which was not the usual way our conversations end. Maaaan, one time for Dan. A real one in every way. And everyone I know felt the very same about him. There is a fundraising for his funeral if you would like to help contribute. Paybill: 924327 Account name: Your name”

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
