
Did Akothee just strike at her BFF, Zari? Akothee condemns children who abandon parents after accumulating riches

Madam Boss Akothee is not a woman to easily fallible around with and go unharmed. This time she condemns children who neglect their very own parents once they have become affluent.

In a long moving post, she shares a photo of a woman, a mother who is tirelessly filling stones for building just to provide for her young ones back home.

However, it is not the kind of job she does or how much work she has to put in to feed her children that is the big deal here.


Akothee’s outcry is to have a mother do all these for children but end up being neglected once the children are wealthy.

Furthermore, it pains her most when this parent toils so hard to see her children get a deserving education, well paying jobs and decent lives only to be forgotten in the end.

This woman is not complaining about her job, all she cares is food on the table for her children, unfortunately, her children might be sharing the same school with children from a white color job , maybe a teacher, this will be insults to this woman’s children ” “kwenda huko, you can’t tell me shit ,yet your mother is just but a stone crusher????????” Luo trans.(Meru tar ka pier jajuok luokore gi buru ka magang ????????)
You know what,? never care about how people view you , give more to the universe than what the universe is offering , all the hustle must bare fruits . the pain beat of it is,a woman/ parent will toil like this for her children , make them go through schools , get jobs , and the same children will forget to come home and change the lives of their parents.


However, there comes a part in Akothee’s lamentation that seemingly directly attacks her BFF, Zari Hassan who has time and again been faulted for abandoning her ancestral home, for the fame and money.

It is no lie that Zari is wealthy, famous and influential in whatever capacities she has. Right from flaunting fuel guzzlers to high-end jewellery and outfits, to a palatial mansion, you name it!

Unfortunately, reports from Uganda, as cited by ‘Hype 96’, indicate that where she was born and bred before her parents parted ways speaks a different language from her current lifestyle.

Additionally, reports reveal that Zari’s brothers are wallowing in poverty as she is busy parading her flamboyant lifestyle to fans, online.

???? they will buy big cars and show off to their agemates in the cities, they will take loans and build mansions, while their parents languish in poverty , their parents still sleeping on the same mattresses they were concieved, as their own children sleep on designs and decorated bedrooms , A mother can take care of 7 children, and seven children fail to take care of 1 mother #tafakari life is richer when you learn the power of giving.


Zari’s flashy lifestyle is now the talk of town in Uganda with netizens comparing her to her late husband, Ivan Ssemwanga who equally did the same to his family members and childhood home.

Seems Akothee should sit down an ‘uninformed’ Zari and educate her on the ropes of life, before it is too late.


Comment section

Akothee’s post has attracted mixed reactions from fans and followers who cannot disagree any further with the Kenyan black beauty.

Great one here sis. My Mum used to work for people in their gardens or sometimes make charcoal to put food on the table, still it wasn’t enough considering the fact that we were many kids. Most of the times we found ourselves begging n owing every mama duka in the village. Maaan… we had names, they called us everything nasty…but this God ???????????? ! Every day I pray that God will keep my Mother so she can experience the life she could have but didn’t because of me n my siblings.


The strength of a woman. Active and energética. God bless our mother. Amen


thats more powerful and challanging let us take good care of our parent its our turñ as children


Say it Again… so sad kwa kweli…watoto tukumbukage kwetu kwanza how can you sleep kwa mansion huku mama mvua inamnyeshea usiku???


Wow,this soo powerful madam boss & i agree with you that mother can take care of seven children & those seven children fail to take care of their one mother


Well said Madam..Its real paining..Thank you for keep on reminding us about the best way of treating our lovely parents..When am going through ya post i just realized still i have more pendings for my Parents..Lets God keep you safe as now and for always. Love from Tz.


Thanknyou for this wise reminder. May God keep blessing you the way your wisdom blesses me n the entire world. Aheri mami ????

About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
