
¨Your girl needs your attention more than she needs your money¨ Wahu speaks to fathers of teenage daughters

Secular-cum-gospel songstress, Wahu Kagwi calls to fathers to be more present in the lives of their daughters especially.

Speaking during a recording for Churchill Show, the mother of 2 girls expresses:

Fathers of girls, I want to tell you that especially if you are raising teenagers.

Further noting that once a girl feels the presence of her father in her life, she builds confidence necessary for the future.

Additionally stating that this will also help the girl stay away from seeking attention from other men.

You may go out there to look for money, but spend more time with your girls so that they will not go out looking for attention from other men.

This she expresses as the global spectrum celebrates fathers for their impeccable love and the role they play in families.

Wahu speaks in reference to her late dad who built her to who she proudly is today.

My dad gave me the attention I needed and I did not go out there to look for other kinds of male attention.

The Kenyan beauty also showers hubby, Nameless with praise as the couple is set to clock their 14 years in marriage, this year.

Nameless is an amazing guy and I never see him as a celeb,

I see him as Baba Tumiso who is very supportive in raising our girls.

About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
