
“Dear Githeri man they will soon forget you” this is the special letter Jalang’o wrote Martin Kamotho

Image: Githeriman

Lately Jalang’o has been writing many letter dedicated to President Uhuru Kenyatta, Raila Odinga and his latest was directed to Githeri man where he urged him to take charge of the opportunities that have been presented to him since his unique photo went viral.

Despite the long post receiving different reactions from fans, many agreed with what he wrote as they have all seen how forgetful Kenyans are.

In the letter shared on his Instagram page, Jalang’o wrote saying;

Dear Getheriman
First let me thank you for bringing the much needed humour when the tensions were at 102 degrees and rising , I would log in the IEBC portal to see how my preffered candidates were fairing on and I would be sad or happy but seeing your photos with Trump,Obama,Kanye and many more whom you were photoshopped with I smiled and laughed!

He went on to add,

Now back to my letter, Githeriman you are not special neither did you do anything special but you are what I call a “Kenyan Moment “! A Kenyan moment is that moment where Kenyans come together to celebrate nothing , be happy about nothing and anything! A few examples are ” Nikama drama ni Kama Vindeo” “Kifi kifi ” bwana yangu ameenda na maji ” and many more…maybe readers will remind me of others in their comments! All of them are gone and forgotten! So people forget Kenyan moments and life goes on! They will soon forget you and move on! I hear people saying that there are people taking advantage of you and exploiting you, don’t listen to them but make the best out of it now, take everything you are being offered , eat everything, collect everything, accept everything before they forget you! The same people saying this things have not offered you anything and will not! Soon and very soon as early as next week nobody will talking about you because the brand Getheriman cannot stand beyond 1 month! Make sure that your team keep tabs of everything everyone is offering you so that they can hold them accountable to deliver their promises before they forget you and their promises! I have seen a few good people around you the likes of @chriskirwa,keep him close! For now enjoy the moment and if possible reach out to the young man who took your photo because without him you would still be in Kayole eating your githeri!
Your Trully

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
