
50 Cent finally gets to meet Sauti Sol and pose for a photo

Internationally renowned Kenyan band Sauti Sol recently posted a photo of themselves hanging out with 50 Cent, a Grammy-winning rapper, actor, and music/movie producer.

The photo was posted to Instagram by Chiki Kuruka, the manager and wife of band member Bien Aime. In the photo, 50 Cent is seen standing between three of the Sauti Sol members: Bien, Polycarp, and Willis.

However, some fans were quick to notice that the fourth member of Sauti Sol, Chimano, was not in the photo. This led to speculation about why Chimano was absent from the photo.

Some fans suggested that Chimano may have been busy with other commitments, such as performing at Afro Nation, a music festival in Portugal. Others wondered if there was some sort of rift between Chimano and the other members of the band.

Whatever the reason for Chimano’s absence, it is clear that his fans were disappointed not to see him in the photo. In the comments section of the post, many fans expressed their love for Chimano and asked why he was not included.

It is also worth noting that this is not the first time that Chimano has been absent from iconic photos of the band meeting famous people. In the past, he has been absent from photos with the likes of Rihanna and Chris Martin.

This has led some fans to speculate that Chimano may be shy or uncomfortable in front of the camera. However, it is also possible that there is another reason for his absence.

Ultimately, only Chimano knows why he was not in the photo with 50 Cent. However, his absence has certainly sparked some interesting speculation among his fans.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
