
5 Photos of Akothee’s Teenage son whom you didn’t know existed…Akothee has never posted him on her social media pages

Who would have thought Akothee has a teenage son?

I think no one until Rue baby, Akothee’s daughter who just turned 19  posted a photo of some dude and claimed he was then the twin brother.


My mcm today go be my sweet twin brother …i heart yu @holyfield_evander …???

A post shared by Baby Rue (@rue.baby) on

He goes by the name Evander and glimpse look into his instagram it was pretty clear he was Akothee’s son. Why Akothee has never posted him on her social media pages is however a mystery we are yet to unravel.

Check him out here:




About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
