5 AK-47 rifles and 93 bullets found at Jimmy Wanjigi’s home during police raid (Photos)
Jimmy Wanjigi’s home in Malindi was raided by the police on Monday October 16th. The billionaire oligarch has been on police radar ever since it was revealed that he was financing Nasa.
Last month Jimmy Wanjigi reported that he was being trailed by unknown people. The billionaire wheeler-dealer wrote to the Inspector General of police Joseph Boinnet claiming that his life might be in danger.
Police raid at Wanjigi’s house in Malindi followed a court order to ransack it. The raid was carried out by a heavily armed multi-agency team.
Deadly assault rifles found
Police found 5 AK-47 rifles and 93 bullets during the raid. Apparently police suspected Wanjigi had been working with several people to bring guns into the country using different entry points.
Police in Nairobi also raided Wanjigi’s house in Muthaiga. Nothing dangerous was reported to have been found at the billionaire’s house in Nairobi.