
3 lessons I have learnt from the demise of Maina Olwenya

Maina Olwenya one of the best actors of our generation has passed on and the public outpouring of emotions from celebrities is something that I must say was rather surprising for me. I actually had no idea who he was until a friend of mine explained to me who he was and recommended a movie for me to watch called Nairobi Half Life.

Celebrating the life of Nairobi Half Life’s late actor, Otis

First, I have to say that getting any Kenyan movie is rather difficult. I have tried every pirate site I know as well as the legit streaming sites and I did not find it but I eventually found it on YouTube of all places and I must say, I truly enjoyed it.

But back to Maina Olwenya, I can see why he is being celebrated as a great actor. He truly was talented. But what about all these celebrities declaring their love for him? Well, I have actually come to realise some things after I had a conversation with one of the friends I like to refer to as my mentor and he shared something with me that completely blew my mind:

Nairobi Half Life Selected for the Oscars

And I want to share with you some rather insightful thoughts that I managed to catch from the conversation that has really impacted me:

#1. Kenyan celebrities are the fakest bunch of posers

It has to be said. A man can be struggling with his own demons and at the very moment when he needs to be around people who truly love him, he is abandoned to his own hell. And as a result, we lose great minds, great talents, friends and family. And when a death occurs, the next thing Kenyan celebrities do is precisely what we have seen them do following the death of Maina Olwenya; they all dogpile social media with bullshit posts and condolences. This cycle never fails to play out. Tell the truth fam, we aren’t friends if we haven’t spoken for a year, hell, for 3 months.

Nairobi Half Life Wins 2 International Awards

#2. Live your life for you

One thing I have grown to respect about Maina Olwenya is that from all indications, he truly lived his life for himself. What do I mean by that? Well, when you think of career paths, seldom does acting come to mind. That is because we do not really have a thriving cinematographic and theatrical scene. We do not consume the moves we make nor the plays we direct and as a result, acting is truly a passion project. But here we have a man who dedicated himself to the craft and from what I have seen online, was only too willing to give upstarts and new actors tips and advice. that is because he knew he enjoyed acting and he did it for himself. It was his passion. Ultimately, when we go, that is all that matters; whether or not we had fun with our lives.

#3. Focus on your legacy

Whatever that word means to you, follow on your legacy. This man clearly had set his mind to acting as his legacy. And he focused on it. He honed his skill and he was truly a marvel to behold. He brought different characters to life. At the end of the day, your legacy is what will remain when you leave this life.

Major Airlines Add Nairobi Half Life to Their In-flight Entertainment

And with that, I come to an end as all things must. May God give comfort to his friends and family. “May God bless the dead”.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
