
2 men arrested for gang-rape in CBD

Two guys are accused of gang-raping a lady they discovered abandoned in Nairobi’s central business district.

In Makadara court, Vincent Nyongesa and Emmanuel Wanjala were accused of gang raping a female on October 24 at a shop on Mfangano Lane in Nairobi.

In the area, the two were employed as pushers of mkokoteni.

The girl arrived at 3pm after traveling from Bomet to see her buddy in Utawala, Nairobi. She was short on cash, though, and missed the Sh 100 bus trip to Utawala.

Before being approached by the two who offered to pay her bus fare, she solicited random people for assistance.

Vincent promised the woman he would seek for the fee and brought her to a hotel where he watched Facebook stories and TikTok. However, when he returned empty-handed, he claimed he had not been paid.

Nyongeza purchased the lady Githeri and persuaded her that since it was late and he wasn’t getting paid that day, he could provide her a place to sleep. He undoubtedly had a mattress, which he set up, and the woman relished sleeping on the ground until his friend Wanjala arrived later that evening and discovered a guest in the room.

When the girl screamed for assistance, guards from a nearby building assisted her and took the woman into custody. They then proceeded to rape the woman while covering her lips.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
