
Meet the 3 white men Akothee has dated. The mzungu who fathered her last born son is the one she truly loves

Akothee has had a fling with a handful of white men. The flamboyant singer however only loves one white man whom she refers to as Dr.K.

Akothee’s five kids were fathered by three men of different races and nationalities. Akothee’s three girls; Vesha, Rue and Makadia were fathered by the singer’s Kenyan ex-husband. Her two boys were fathered by two white men.

Akothee’s three white lovers and baby daddies

Akothee unmasked her old Swiss lover sometimes in October 2016. The singer shared selfie snaps of her man and her putting an end to the curiosity that has plagued everyone.

Ojwang’s French father

Akothee’s eldest son Ojwang was fathered by a Frenchman. The flamboyant songbird revealed that Ojwang’s father is a ruthless beast who kicked her out of his home in winter season when she was 9 months pregnant with his son. This was before he told Akothee to abort the unborn baby.

Ojwang’s father

Oyoo’s father

He’s the one Akothee calls Dr.K. Oyoo’s father is the only man Akothee still loves with every fiber of her being and every breath of her body.

Akothee recently poured out her heart to Oyoo’s father. Read her post below:

The only thing I can say is, I sincerely miss you , the heart of Gold you have penzi yangu , , I met you as I was lactating , milk was oozing from my blouse as if I was a cow from grade 2 , you allowed me to be me and do what I wanted , you could prepare soup for me when I came back hangovered from a long girly party night , I could hear you screem to the employees to keep quite mama is a sleep , but I was busy nursing a hangover.

You took my children to the best schools , and was always present at their parents meetings with or without me , you made my kids step into Europe like queens what else can I ask you papa Oyoo , I dedicate this month to you , yes , you crazy in your own way but you gave me the world & spoilt me , everyman after you is seing and meeting hell here , I could travel all over the world and not even have a second thought of how or what will be with the children.

Akothee with Oyoo’s father

Today I have to plan my calender a year before , I cancel so many deals which will make me stay away from home for more than a week , today I have nobody to leave the children with , freedom is not freedom anymore , you still call me “penzi yangu ” I cant go on for am in tears, I feel so tired and wasted , I arrive at my destination, and phone calls back at home get me going back to the airport , the last time I saw Dr.k was April , I keep on postponning flights , today its been 6 months , I found this photo & I broke down, stay loved and missed papa Oyoo , you will never be my Ex you remain in the list of my present past future , I MISS YOU DAD, @oyootheprince



About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
