
“I ask for your prayers for me and my little 3 month old baby” Producer Tedd Josiah mourns the death of his wife

Tedd Josiah, who is famous for producing the ‘Unbwogable’ mega hit song, is mourning the death of his wife Reginah Katar who passed on after a short illness on Saturday Morning September 30th.

Tedd said that he was still baffled by Reginah’s sudden demise, he revealed that both his and the deceased’s families were still trying to come to term with her death

Reginah Katar's Tedd Josiah's wife
Reginah Katar

The popular producer explained that his wife had a tough time during her pregnancy but still managed to deliver their daughter without hiccups.

“Dear friends, (Real friends) very few people knew about my princess Reginah Katar because we kept our private life out of the spotlight & focused on building the family we both had dreamt and longed for. When we found each other we built back the broken pieces we both had and God blessed us with little miss Jay Jay. We went through a very tough 9 months to get her but eventually we managed.
“Sadly Reginah passed on yesterday morning from a sudden illness and has left the two of us to try figure things out. Her family and friends are all deeply saddened and shocked. I ask for your prayers for me and my little 3 month old princess as we mourn the loss of our Angel ?who gave Both of us life,” wrote Tedd Josiah.

Tedd Josiah, his wife Reginah Katar and daughter
Tedd Josiah, his wife Reginah Katar and daughter

Popular producer further announced that family and friends were meeting at Garden Square opposite Holy Family Basilica on Tuesday 3rd October for funeral arrangements.

“Today from 5pm we will be meeting at GARDEN SQUARE adjacent to KICC in Nairobi city. We pray you kindly show your love and support to the family and make time to spend with us and help with the plans of all the funeral arrangements. Kindly spread the word so we show Reginah how much we all loved her. For more info contact:
Sammi Mbau 0737379986 Samuel Muchemi 0722804315”



About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
