
10 photos that depict Betty Kyallo’s natural look without any makeup enhancing her appearance

Everyone look glamorous on social media thanks to makeup and photoshop. But does barefaced pictures tell the same story?

You can bank on Betty Kyallo not ruining your fantasies with her makeup free photos. Yes the KTN anchor has a flawless appearance with makeup applied on her face.

Betty Kyallo wearing makeup

But there is also nothing appalling about Betty’s face when she doesn’t wear any makeup. The mother of one recently shared her makeup free photos and she was still slaying.

Free facial treatment

Betty shared her makeup free photos to encourage other ladies to get facial treatment. She offered to give 10 lucky ladies discount vouchers on facial treatments at Posh Palace Hair Studio & Spa.

“Once in a lifetime No makeup post woooiii ??? Yooo Giving away 10 discount vouchers on facial treatments and all Posh services. Hit my inbox,” wrote Betty Kyallo.

See mama Ivanna’s makeup free photos below:


About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
