
10 beautiful photos of Jua Cali, his pretty wife and two kids (Photos)

Paul Julius Nunda better known by his stage name Jua Cali is a married man. The king of Genge is blessed with two kids; a boy and a girl.

Jua Cali is one of the few musicians in Kenya who have invested from money earned from music, the ‘SafSana’ hit maker has build his own mansion in Kahawa Sukari.

Unlike other celebs who loves showing off their possessions, Jua Cali is very discreet; you won’t know he’s a millionaire because he doesn’t flaunt his cars or house like other rappers.

The king of Genge has married Lilly Asigo and they are blessed with two lovely children; a boy (firstborn) and a pretty girl.

Below are photos of Jua Cali’s family:


About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
