
¨Motherhood is H.A.R.D!¨ Kambua cries out

You don´t know what it´s like until it hits closer home. Gospel singer, Kambua is now a mother and she reveals the struggles are REAL.

Through a long Instagram post, the young mum has penned the struggles she is battling with as she brings up her little Nate.

Eye bags. Burp on almost all her clothes. Soiled diapers. Name it! Well, nothing comes easy and despite the negatives, she assures that she can never trade this adventure for anything.


¨Motherhood is H.A.R.D!¨ she continues ¨But oh so rewarding¨.

Mama Nate questions the very basic of responsibilities that come with motherhood, something we all think is a piece of cake until we get there.

Who knew that something as natural as breastfeeding could be so daunting? Or that sometimes your little one will cry and you’ll end up in tears yourself? Who knew that sleep could become such a luxury?????????‍♀️

She takes her hats off for every mother who has been there and done it.  According to Kambua, these women are warriors.


For those still on the journey, she assures them that they are doing just fine. With encouraging words, she shares:

You have all it takes to nurture that little one. And when you need to lean in and ask for help, please do! (I’ll talk about my little village of helpers soon????)



About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
