
¨He has deposited up to Ksh 5 million so far¨ Babu Owino´s legal team hits back at DJ Evolve´s hefty hospital bill

Admitted DJ Evolve´s escalating hospital bill has compelled Embakasi MP Babu Owino and his legal team to respond urgently.

The DJ´s ballooning bill at Nairobi Hospital raised concerns after family revealed they were unable to meet the hefty bill.

However, Babu Owino´s lawyers responded to the same, first exposing media reports for lacking facts and accuracy in their information.

The news item published by ourselves on February 20, 2020 with regards to this matter has elicited a lot of concern and emotions from the public. The said story, as ran by our television station, was not accurate, truthful and indeed at no given point was our client or the honorable courts consulted.

The said story was not accurate and truthful – Babu Owino´s lawyers respond to DJ Evolve´s ballooning hospital bill

Secondly, the legal team believes the courts, nor clients from both parties were consulted before the publication that went viral.

Cash bail deposits

Adding that Babu Owino paid up the cash bail as directed by the courts. So far having deposited Ksh 5 million in the bank.

If indeed our clients and the honorable courts were consulted, then it would have been easy to establish for a fact that our client has, up to date, paid a total of Ksh 5 million which principally is channeled towards the treatment of the victim.

Further disclosing that once their client, Babu Owino deposits the cash as directed, the money is now with the court.

Our client has, up to date, paid a total of Ksh 5 million – Babu Owino´s lawyers

So Babu had no control of the funds once deposited at the bank.

Unfortunately, the court orders indicated that these monies were to be paid directly to the honorable courts. Which would then facilitate the release of funds, on a monthly basis to Nairobi Hospital where the victim is hospitalized. This essentially mean that our client has no control of the funds once he has deposited the same from the courts.

Hospital bill

Therefore, the lawyers said there is no need for the DJ´s family to raise concerns on the same.

The long and short of this is that both our clients and the honorable courts has already given assurance as to the medical issues of the victim. It should be the last thing that the victim and the family should be made worrying at this particular point.

DJ Evolve´s dad worried of his son´s pending hospital bill

Previously, DJ Evolve´s father stated the hospital is putting pressure on them to clear the bill but they didn´t know how to tend to that.

We have been receiving calls from the hospital asking us to settle the medical bill. We can´t raise the needed Ksh 7.5 million even if we were to sell a majority of our property.


About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
