Kaz Shows Off Her Tender, Titillating Thighs In A Little Black Dress (PHOTO)
Kaz is one of the most sexy female celebrities and you can run and tell the congregation that I said that. And aye, she was embroiled in a sex scandal a few years back when one of her ex-boyfriends leaked some intimate pictures of her but I believe she showed strength in the manner in which she bounced back. Nothing is as sexy as a strong woman.
Well, the only think more attractive is a strong woman in a little black dress. Especially one with well toned tender, titillating thighs. What is a lad to do but appreciate the fact that Kaz has kept her body well maintained?
Ladies, especially the celebrity insipid ilk that allows themselves to grow fat and get out of shape -i can just hear the pseudo-feminists catch feelings like Jaff has caught more number one slots than I have these past 3 weeks!
But I digress. Check out the fine femme fatale below: