JUST STOP IT! Eric Omondi’s Grandiose Romanticism Isn’t Actually Cute. It’s Nauseating…
Ever since he found “love”, Eric Omondi has reduced himself into some rambling,sloppy emotional wretch who will do anything and pull whatever stunts to try and impress his fiancée Shantel Grazioli. Or wow his dazed Instagram followers.
As a comedian,it’s hard to sieve through Erics stunts to determine what exactly is the truth and what is merely Eric just being,you know,Eric
The line between reality and scripted mischief has been so blurred that most of what Eric does as tribute to his love comes off mostly as pathetic,mawkish monkey games than romantic and ape-worthy behavior.
Eric had absolutely no problem sharing very NSFW photos of his girlfriend and himself curled up in bed,rose flowers scattered allover the place all in the vain name of,ummm,love.
Eric and Miss Grazioli. Photo | Nairobi wire
Eric has now started fashioning himself as the ultimate champion of love,the paragon of seduction,the ultimate charmer and as the most romantic man around these woods… But really,he isn’t.
He’s just a annoying exhibitionist who has wrapped around his comic nature into a messy,pretentious ball of love and romance all for the sake of the headlines and Instagram likes.
For a man his age (Eric is in no way young) he’s not really expected to reduce himself into the high school-ish, acne-infested teenager he acts like by getting so smitten and so openly flattered by his woman’s love for him.
His so-called romantic deeds are really an infantile game of unhinged hormonal imbalances that really do very little to stamp him as the King of Love.
Eric does not really need to cobble up a gang of Maasai dancers to welcome his wife back to Kenya at the airport,for instance.
It’s overly showy and honestly uncalled for. Also,it’s childish and rather lacking in the maturity department.
Also,Eric does not really have to gush like the kid he acts like over his woman and their shared love – we get it,you’re in love,just stop the gimmicks.
Eric doesn’t have to jump around like a Zambian rabbit whenever he sees his woman.
He really doesn’t have to dance on top of skyscrapers or hang from bridges for us to get the point.
We get it ; you’re in love,now find a corner and sip some iced margarita.
These little rat games are becoming too much, too dreary and too unnecessary.
Eric Omondi and his flame Chantal in different,schmaltzy bedroom moments. Photos | Instagram
Eric doesn’t have to keep up with a constant marathon of childlike activities and infantile bursts of happiness and glee whenever he’s around his woman – who is all his to keep.
But everyday,Eric seems to find something less glossy and more grandiose to engage in.
Like a child whose just walked into a park of jellybeans,Eric is restless and even senseless in the face of Chantal Grazioli,his fiancée.
The girl,on the other hand,isn’t the type of excessive exhibitionist that Eric has morphed into.
Ever the classy scion of an aristocratic background,Chantal just sits back and probably marvels at the very low romantic lengths Eric won’t stop going just to make a statement of Love.
Eric should calm down and probably focus deeper on the actual tenets of love which don’t include frivolous public spending,unending photo shoots,gathering traditional dancers at the airport to welcome a lover and the publication of sloppy,explicit private photos for all the world to see.
For a man his age – and a man of his high-flying career – Eric has become so much of a cornball it’s actually scary – not cute – to be in love with him..
But comedians can be acute dorks who fail to draw the line between their personal lives and private lives always wanting to mesh the two up and the results are always a sick,dreary disaster.
Romance does not look like anything Eric Omondi panders.
Love and long-term commitments actually take much more work than a daily routine of babyish activities and senseless little deeds that only take us back to the early days of dating back in high school.
Marriage is a concrete jungle that has little room for the sort of infantile bursts of romantic extravagance Eric is obsessed with.
But I am not Chantal and I don’t know for sure she doesn’t fancy the little shticks that Eric constantly cobbles up.
But if he doesn’t take a breather and chill for a while,this is going to end up as one big freak show where Eric is the ventriloquist and Chantal is the hapless,manipulatable dummy he plays up to the public.
Show is over,Mister!
Get your house in order now… The infatuation stage,I guess,should be up already.