Jubilee Or Cord? Wannabe Politician Mohammed Ali Reveals The Political Faction He Will Be Joining… Then He Spat On The Other Rival Coalition (Photo)

After years of exposing and criticizing the ruling political class, Mohammed Ali is salivating after an elective seat and he will soon join the exclusive club of MPs if he wins elections come 2017.

There are still two years left till Kenyans go to the ballot to choose the next crop of leaders. Kenya’s finest investigative journalist has made known of his ambition.

Moha who is eying Nyali parliamentary seat, kick started his campaign by visiting a number folks in the constituency.

See Also: Mohammed Ali Taking The Steps To Enter Politics As A Coastal Mp

The intriguing question; which political faction will Moha join, Cord or Jubilee? Or perhaps he will vie as an independent candidate??

Moha is obviously joining the opposition. The investigative journalist waxed lyrical about the former premier when he met him.

“Sura ya Magufuli Kenya ni Raila Odinga. Kenya sasa yahitaji Raila kuchukua ushukani na kuikomboa Kenya kutoka kwa vijana toka kwa janga la Jubilee. Kukwamua taifa toka kwa uongozi ulioibaka demokrasia ya wakenya na Kenya kwa jumla… Huyu ndiye Magufuli wa Kenya mwaka wa 2017 (Raila is Kenya’s Magufuli. Kenya needs Raila to take the wheel and save the country from the Jubilee scourge.” wrote Moha.


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Martin Oduor

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