Her job is to encourage people to have intercourse and conceive! 7 photos of the beautiful newly appointed Spanish Minister for Sex
The Spanish government has decided to correct population decline by creating a new ministry to oversee population growth.
Spaniards will be getting used to the government telling them to have more sex and to conceive; Edelmira Barreira has been appointed the new minister for sex.
The move was caused by the realization that birth rate in Spain was drastically falling as more women choose to have fewer children while some opted to have none at all.
In 2015, Spain’s death rate surpassed the birth rate, a situation that had previously only happened during wartime; experts say long working hours and a culture of eating late at night and going to bed after midnight was partly to blame for the nation’s sex famine.
People in Spain are not siring enough kids to replace themselves, the population is skewing towards the older end of the spectrum, with not enough young and productive people to keep economies thriving and to look after the rest of the aging population.
Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy last month appointed Edelmira Barreira as the country’s sex Minister to get Spaniards to produce more babies.
Below are the photos of the beautiful sex minister: