Janet Mbugua Breaks A Sweat With First Lady Margaret Kenyatta At Kasarani Stadium (Photos)

The two ladies are vigorously working out preparing themselves mentally and physically ahead of the March 6th challenge.

First Lady Margaret Kenyatta has been organizing an annual race meant to raise money to help mothers and children overcome the challenges they face with HIV and for the promotion of maternal, new born and child health in Kenya.

The First Lady started her campaign dubbed ‘Beyond Zero’ in 2014 with the aim of reducing maternal and child mortality.

This year’s First Lady’s Half Marathon will be taking place on Sunday 6th March. Uhuru’s wife has been exercising at various spots ahead of the race.

Citizen TV’s Janet Mbugua and other Kenyans joined the First Lady at Kasarani Safaricom Stadium to break sweet together.




About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere