Jalango Busted Drooling Over A Pretty Girl Who Posted Something Nasty About Her Private Part (Photos)

Thought Joe Muchiri was the only celebrity who has shares in Team Mafisi Sacco, Jalango too has a stake. The thirst is real brothers!

I have to admit social media and particularly Instagram is an irresistible thirst trap. Photos, videos and words girls post, only a castrated man is immune.

Poor Jalango let his craving get the better of him when he spotted a yummy girl flaunting her brown willowy thighs.

The lady only known as Aliiptisam (by her Instagram name) was donning a black bra and an amazingly short skirt.

Her photo attracted lots of parched brothers, including Jalango, who couldn’t hide their concerns with her titillating look.

The popular MC-cum-presenter was completely blown away by the girl’s dazzling beauty.

“No, no girl. You can’t be this fine! Aiiiiiiii” Jalango exclaimed.



About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere