It’s A No No… Fans Boo Sauti Sol
The quartet is the darling of many but that doesn’t mean they are immune to criticism. Sauti Sol has been given thumbs down!
The last time Sauti Sol elicited negative reactions from Kenyan was when they released the steamy video ‘Nishike’.
The video got banned and they dropped a few fans but then again they redeemed themselves with ‘Sura Yako’ which won them EMA awards and gave them once in a lifetime opportunity to rub shoulders with the world’s most powerful man.
Kenyans have once again shown their discontentment with the singing quartet for lack of creativity with their new baby, ‘Shake Yo Bam Bam’.
Check out some of the positive criticism raised in regard to Sauti Sol’s new song:
Denyquenutty: Am sorry….This aint a jam I was expecting from u guys.It lacked originality and it had too much clutter in beats. I want something I would swing too or pop too……But hey as a NTV Uganda listener,u just hit me below the belt while I expected a hit!!!!U are my soulfood en i want sth I haven’t heard @sautisol
krissurl: Song reminds me of another song “if u want me to stay, i’ll never leave” those are the lyrics. Won’t hate though.. It’s a good effort
Oirere: Not a good song. Honest opinion. Horrible, borrowed beats, borrowed title. #sautisol is about originallity. Raundi hii mmeuma nje.
Cammy nafula:@sautisol, hope you will get a chance to read this. Am a Kenyan a big fan from uk. U guys are awesome, love your work though this bam bam song seems to a be a remix of alot of other songs. Anyway am no artist so cant judge you on that but I believe you guys can do much much better and more creative work than this. Anyway main reason am writing this, Sautisol fire your publicist or if you don’t have one hire one. You guys do a wonderful job buy its just not publicized enough that’s why you guys nor getting awards, if you guys should really restrategize on that end. Otherwise big up
Bcalvenes: @sautisol i am a big fan ever since you started music. I have enjoyed all your songs even before you guys became this big. However, as a strong fan, its hard for me to keep quiet when i feel something isn’t just right and that’s why i an forced to respond to this. I may bot understand music that deep but i do know that this was a substandard for the caliber of music you guys are known for. So you may try to shove this deep down on us but honestly, this is just not palatable. The originality in the song is completely down, creativity off the roof though i will give it for the video quality. You guys may argue out your intent on this production but the truth of the matter is that hii enyewe “sura yenu” ya music got lost, according to me. Not all is lost though. It is the breaking of the day for you guys. Go back to the drawing board and bring back the music that you are known for. We want POTUS to dance again. Let’s get to work boys.