Italy’s referendum: facts

Key facts behind Italy’s referendum on constitutional changes this Sunday:
To strip the second chamber of parliament, the Senate, of most of its powers to block and amend legislation
To replace 315 elected Senators with 100 appointees from the regions
To transfer some powers currently held by local and regional authorities to central government
The government says the reform will end gridlock in parliament and make it easier to pass difficult legislation
Designed to complement reform of the electoral system ensuring biggest vote-winner in elections of a parliamentary majority
Savings of up to 490 million euros a year in operating costs, according to disputed government figures
FOR: Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, most of his centre-left Democratic Party and his junior coalition partners. Most business leaders.
AGAINST: Main opposition parties – populist Five Star Movement, Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia and the far-right Northern League. Some prominent figures in Renzi’s own camp, many constitutional experts
Uncertain. Last polls before a two-week pre-vote ban gave the No camp a 5-8 percentage points lead but with many voters undecided
Renzi stays in power, his authority is enhanced and he can pursue plans for reforms of the education, legal and administrative systems
Renzi has said he will step aside. Most observers expect his party to form new government without him, possibly with Finance Minister Pier Carlo Padoan as prime minister
Possible but seen as unlikely before late 2017 at the earliest

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla