“It Is A Matter Of Time Before Homosexuality Blows Up In Kenya, And Kenyans Have Nothing To Do About It”, Gorgeous KTN Host Overemotionally Claims
Homosexuality has been a very controversial topic in Kenya today thanks to the reserved nature of the Kenyan society that is yet to fully embrace it.
There is much divided opinion in the Kenyan confines over the same, with majority against the practice while the minority is for it with some saying as long as it doesn’t affect them they are ok with it.
Well, the court threw much confusion into the air when it allowed the registration of gays and lesbians organization to champion for the rights of this minority group.
And now KTN’s YOLO host Loise Hanigan has sensationally spoken out about homosexuality in Kenya.
Speaking in an exclusive interview with Ghafla Kenya, Hannigan says that she has no problem with homosexuals as long as they are comfortable with what they are doing.
Lola argues that homosexuality is deemed bad in Kenya because majority of the population is yet to embrace and accept it.
She adds that it is only a matter of time before the practice explodes in Kenya and Kenyans will have nothing to do with it.
Homosexuality is still very controversial in Kenya and only time will tell: