It is a baby boy or girl? Crossover 101 former host reveals her baby’s sex

We have seen her rock about fashionable maternity outfits during her pregnancy, something kmany new mum’s find hard to do. Anyway, with all the anticipation to see her baby, you could easily think that she’s been pregnant for over a year now. But, you would be mistaken, because the baby hasn’t fully ripened yet (that was gross, we’re sorry).
However, the mum to be has revealed a HUGE detail about her future celeb spawn, revealing that her and her beau George Ngugi are having a boy.
The businesslady cum gospel show hostrevealed this in a long instagram post she shared on her social media pages. She also talked of her fears which include understanding her baby as a mother and her role as a wife to Ngugi.  She wrote to say,

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Baba Ghafla