Is This A Blatant Case Of Tribalism? All The People Shortlisted For The Job Of Communications Authority Of Kenya By The the Ministry of Information and Communication Are From One Community

I recently received wind of the fact that all the people who have been shortlisted for the job of chairperson of the Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK) by the Ministry of Information and Communication are all from one community, which also happens to be the community of the President of The Republic Of Kenya.


And after all the storm that was kicked up by the comments and tweets I saw during the debacle in which the former vice president Kalonzo Musyoka ethnically profiled an journalist, I expected the same reaction only to be reminded by just how much of a nation of hypocrites Kenyans really are! Congratulations Kenya, you are now in the running for “Most Hypocritical Nation On Earth” title.

The Ministry of Information and Communication has come out strongly to defend the selection process that saw 6 members from one community get nominated and three names have already been forwarded to the President for review but what I am left wondering is how 6 names, all from members of one community came to be selected out of a nation with 43 ethnicities. Was no one else qualified? And before you begin to dither dumb diatribe, do the math in that! The probabilities are staggering!


On Monday, the statement signed by Stephen Mutoro, who was the vice chairman of the selection panel that conducted the interviews, refuted accusations that the exercise was marred with undue regional considerations.

Mutoro termed the media reports that six names had been shortlisted from the list of 14 applicants, only insisting that three people have been nominated for consideration by the President following the exercise.

The three are Ben Gituku, Benard Muruiki and Eng John Karuiki.

“Based on merit and competence, the three were selected, the panel ranked and shortlisted the candidates it found most suitable and their names have been forwarded to the president,” he stated.

The way I see it, how one can land on 3 names out of 14 without giving transparent measures to let stakeholders and interested persons know how selection was done is not just sheer folly but so 1988! As is said, Ceasar’s wife must be above reproach and in this instance, when everything is said and done, the secrecy surrounding the selection does nothing but tarnish the name of the CCK!

Eh henn… Personally, I have no problem with the way our world turns but I just prefer to deal with wolves than foxes! Last week I went on record to say that I felt the backlash received by Kalonzo Musyoka was unmerited at best and hypocritical, downright stupid and myopic at worst.

Let us have standard measures for everyone if we are going to tackle the ethnic equation. Not selective gibberish from some idiots on Twitter!


Now run and tell whomever the heck you would want to that Uncle Chim Tuna has spoken!





Excerpts from Standard Digital News.


About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)