Is There A State Of Emergency In Lamu? Top Star Entertainment Writer Leaks Information That Suggests So (PHOTO EVIDENCE)

Seeing as this is an entertainment site, I figure I am within boundaries stipulated when I talk about what entertainment writers share. That said, i can understand and I am fully aweare of how sensitive the information contained herewith is. But I couldn’t help but share it and hope for official state clarification on the matter.


While trawling the internets for a story, I came across a post Cate Mukei -who works for the Star- had shared on social media that I want to share with all and sundry. But first, a little background. There have been clashes in Lamu, Kenya, which have left innocents dead.

The government is struggling to get the situation under control. Well, the comely lass shared what seems to me to be official government communication of a state of emergency of sorts in Lamu. There seems to be a curfew in place. But what do I know about these thing? And seeing as this is not a GHC class, allow me to share the picture:




About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)