Is Online Media About To Over Power Newspapers? The KARF Government Research Indicates So!

It took the developed world by storm! It left print media reeling in it’s wake. what am I talking about? Well, the internet. It blindsided traditional media and caught it so flat-footed that alot of media companies went belly up!

And the trend has shifted towards the developing world. The market in as far as media consumption goes is beginning to adjust appropriately to the “market forces”. A recently released government survey under the name KARF -Kenya Audience Research Foundation shows that while print media readership experienced a 1% increase in the last quarter, online media experienced a 3% increase.

Should the trend continue -which it will given the proliferation of cheap smartphones and laptops- online media will become the dominant and preferred method of disseminating information.

But in Kenya, the big media corporations were not left behind. they studied the trend as it unfolded abroad and they learnt. Today, Standard and Nation are the two biggest local online entities as we speak!


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This is what the KARF Report says:





About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)