Is I Am Free By Majic Mike Feat. Kris Eh Baba The Next Huge Gospel Groove?

What determines a hit song? I asked Radio powerhouse Caroline Mutoko that question last year at Kenya Music Week. Her interesting reply? “If the first five seconds of a song don’t enthral me, I’m binning it!”

I think I am free will be the next big gospel anthem. Caroline’s the expert so i figured I might as well use that approach when judging popular music. I fancy myself as something of a music ‘aficionado’ thus so I’m patient, I’ll listen to a song several times to see if it will grow on me. I’ll listen to the melody, the harmonies, the adlibs, the progressions, I’ll listen to everything!

This one, five seconds and I was sold out! The song is by Majic Mike of Red Republic and it features Kris Eh Babah and Christine on vocals. The chorus is catchy! Catchy hook, catchy beat, awesome people featured, what do you expect?

Hear it below however and judge for yourself, may be my opinion is claptrap!


About this writer:

Kibali Moreithi (Writer)