Investigate Pastor Kanyari! DPP Orders Police!

Finally! The dirty swindling crook will finally face justice. After Years of fleecing Millions from gullible Kenyans. Phew!

Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko on Thursday ordered an investigation of embattled rogue preacher Victor Kanyari.

Mr Tobiko, in a posting on his official Twitter account, said the pastor would be investigated for allegedly obtaining money by false pretense and cheating.

“DPP orders Pst. Kanyari be probed 4 crimes of obtaining by false pretences; cheating, etc. after expose’ by KTN #JichoPevu,” read the tweet.

The preacher has been trending on Twitter since Sunday after the investigative series exposed malpractices in his Salvation Healing Ministry church.

Mr Kanyari was captured on tape coaching people to offer false testimonies and using potassium permanganate to create illusions of miracles being performed on devotees.

And in an exclusive interview with the Nation on Tuesday, the preacher made no apologies and admitted to coaching his staff to give testimonies.

He also admitted that it was wrong to have faked phone calls during a recording of a radio show, stating: “It was not a live recording. We did that to encourage people to call so that they can receive their prayer. I am just a human being who makes mistakes like any other person.”

Mr Kanyari is the son of disgraced self-proclaimed prophetess Lucy Nduta, who was jailed for two years for fraud after she was exposed by the Sunday Nation for faking healings.

He insisted that God speaks to him “normally” as human beings would converse and his gift of prophesy is as “real” as the “miracles” that he performs.

At Last! At Last! The bastard will face the law! At Last!

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Cabu Gah