This is the intimate photo Maina Kageni shared alongside a mysterious woman and a small boy that the internet can’t stop gushing over…just who is she?
For the longest time now, Maina Kageni’s love life has always been shrouded in mystery with his followers never really comprehending the fact that he might actually be single.
So every now and then they always to create scenarios around the whole issue that the guy can’t simply take a photo with a woman without questions being raised on whether she’s the one.
Also read: Maina Kageni Welcomed Back Like Biblical Prodigal Son After Recovering From A Snake Bite (Photos)
I tend to think Maina loves it as he never fails to post yet another woman confusing his followers all together. He did just that over the weekend in Diani while attending PRC CEO’s wedding Brian Gachari and now the internet can’t stop pondering over it.
This time it was a mysterious woman with a kid with the little caption 3 generations. It is this 3 generations that has caused his followers sleepless nights.
Just check it out: