“I’m a Devil Worshipper” Declares Upcoming Artist
We are back again at this. With so many conspiracy theories flying around about some of the renowned celebs in the world being in freemason, rumours on this subject are plentiful on the Internet, though they are based on very doubtful ‘evidence.’ While it’s true that devil worshippers are everywhere it’s not entirely true that all successful celebs are devil worshippers.
With said, an upcoming Kenyan artist has emerged to claim that he worships the devil. Dree Cee alleges that he worships the devil and loves him a lot. Dree says that he is ready to let the world know that he is in freemason and not ashamed of it.
“My songs get airplay in USA, Canada and S.A. and that’s through devil”, he discloses.
The upcoming artist even reveals his god’s name and reveres him for the fame.
“…because Dante my lord make us famous.” (never mind that Dante is a fictional character in a popular video series)
Check out his latest track;