If You’ve Ever Wanted To Work With Caroline Mutoko And The First Lady, You’ve Got To Read This

If you have ever dreamed of working with Caroline Mutoko, this is an opportunity you do not want to miss out on. This opportunity will actually also have you working with the first lady. And the best part about this is that you will be doing so to better the plight of women -one of the most marginalized group of Kenyans.


Here the details are from Caroline Mutoko’s own mouth:


The Fashion High Tea 2014 is here.

This event isn’t about Fashion and good food for me, it’s about the lives we touch and change for the better. I have never really had a “structured” way of giving, but the FHT helps me do that once a year.

This year, money raised from the Raffle will go towards supporting The First Lady’s Beyond Zero Campaign.

Thousands of Kenyan women, especially those in the rural areas, will die this year due to pregnancy related complications: “Thousands of children will be forced to survive without their mothers — the majority will not make it beyond their first birthday. This doesn’t have to be the case.”

The FHT 2014 will be supporting The First Lady’s Beyond Zero campaign to raise funds to purchase and deploy mobile clinics across the country to provide better prenatal, delivery and postnatal services to the underprivileged.


Will you accept the challenge?



About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)