“I Will Be Inside You” That Moment Last Night When Ciru Muriuki Said She Wanted To Be ‘Inside’ Larry Madowo

Hot 96 presenter Ciru Muriuki made a scene when she revealed she was yearning to be ‘inside’ Larry Madowo in full glare of cameras.

Last night the Trend was on fire and Ciru Muriuki in particular made an engrossing statement on the trend trending talkers (#TTTT).

The Trend was last night hosted at Zetech University and as usual panelists on #TTTT discussed various topics that made headline over the week.

The most gripping topic was perhaps that one of Seve Gats, the internet sensation lady who photoshopped her way to China.

Also Read: Sonko Kando! Kenyan Lady Photoshops Her Way into the Photoshop Wall of Shame After Photoshopping Her Way Into China

It was during discussions on Seve Gats that Ciru Muriuki revealed something nasty that other panelists; Cindy Ogana and Paul “Wakimani” Ogutu wanted her to expound on.

Ciru was talking about how she would also photoshop herself in Larry’s photos when she slipped and said she would be inside Larry.

“Your next trip, I will be inside you. Ok that sounds…” Uttered Ciru.

“Ok let’s talk about Ciru being inside Larry.” Cindy begged as the audience cheered her on.

Larry brushed off the topic quickly to introduce another discussion.

Watch the video below to see what transpired last night:

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere