I Love My Job,The Money, The Attention, The Fabulous Clothes But Most Importantly The Fact That I Just Won An Award! #HudumaKenya
Growing up, I wanted to work for the government. There was a certain feeling that came with knowing that you were part of the majority that kept the country on its feet. I hoped to one day walk into an office, clad in a suit and tie, a brief-case in hand, it was all very exciting.
And of course there were perks that came with having an office job.
My dad, a retired civil servant worked as my advisor when I joined Huduma centre, he would constantly send me emails, incessant calls and messages, imploring me on the need to be good at what I did..
“Son, you are IT now, there is not stopping for you; go grab that life by the lapels, life is too short to sit down and be average…”
I vowed to make it to do it for myself, but most importantly for my old man who had before me, dedicated close to 30 years working for the Government.
Huduma Centre is a beehive of activity, it is the heart that keeps the Nation in matters spanning from repayment of HELB loans, ID issuance, Driving licence renewals and other government related services. What most people don’t know is that huduma is as a matter of fact a network of Government offices brought together under one umbrella to make service delivery easier and up to the minute.
Sorry I digressed, my first year at Huduma was taking, waking up early to beat the traffic jam, making sure that my work was done before I left the office was no mean feat.
Every time I walked into the office, I looked at my colleagues, the juniors and the seniors; I could see a certain hunger, a longing that words could not do justice, a certain urge that was always threatening to break free.
It is now my second year at Huduma Centre, under the patronage of the bosses we have managed to bag an accolade as the winners of 2015 Service excellence awards! It recognizes institutions in the country that are most instrumental in terms of service delivery to the public.
I got that information today and it reminded me of my father’s mantra:
“Son, you are IT now, there is not stopping for you; go grab that life by the lapels, life is too short to sit down and be average…”
Yes, It does feel good to work for the Government, but most importantly to know that your service has an impact on the lives of the people.
Congratulations are in order.