“Huyo si wangu mimi” Bridget Achieng denies her alleged boyfriend who apparently sells mitumba clothes
Image: Bridget Achieng boobsEarlier today a lass by the name Princess Nnamdi Model went on a rampage on instagram accusing Bridget Achieng of being a pathological liar and a hypocrite. She was talking in reference to a post she made yesterday when she announced the Nigerian man in her life that never lets her down.
Now Princess Nnamdi this is total hogwash as she apparently knows Bridget Achieng’s real boyfriend. His name is Chisom Okorie and is a renowned Mitumba seller in Kayole. He’s also very small with an equally small transformer and his cheeks are infected with leprosy (Princess Nnamdi’s words not mine).
And she had photos to back it up before calling out Mother Elephant (Bridget Achieng that is) to come out and tell the truth.
We called Bridget Achieng to find out the truth and surprisingly she does know Chisom Okorie. Apparently they are drinking buddies or rather used to having shared great moments at Hypnotica Westlands. She however swore on her dad’s grave by the way that they never touched each other’s private parts. And he doesn’t sell mitumba clothes in Kayole; Bridget Achieng was very categorical about that.

She also confirmed that she didn’t know who this Princess Nnamdi chick was but she suspects she’s working alongside Pendo-who she accused of being the number one prostitute with a very smelly you know what-to tarnish her name.
Apparently Pendo and other instagram whores in Nairobi are angry because she bashed and exposed them on a live interview at Ghafla the other day and she failed to show up dressed sexy at the reunion bash.
One thing she was particular about though is that she was not about to bow down and she would fight these bisches to the last drop-all alone if she has to.
Here is the poor guy who was probably busy minding his business before being embroiled in socialite drama: