Huddah Monroe: Buy Some Dildos Like Waiguru And F**K Yourself Coz The Next Man These Days Is Like The First.

Think of dumping your man because he’s cheating on you? Better think again, Huddah Monroe has the best advice for you.

99.9% of men cheat so ditching your man because he’s exploring new waters is no longer a viable option. Huddah Monroe’s school of thought is the best option.

The socialite partly based her argument on recent revelation that Devolution Ministry also bought sex toys for reasons best known by those who purchased them.

See Also: Shock As MP Exposes Sex Toys That Devolution Ministry Bought That Weren’t Made Public

Huddah says dildos are the other alternative for ladies who can’t stand to be cheated on. The other option for ladies is to be Team Condom all the way or staying single like River Nile frogs, that’s according to the socialite.


These are my thoughts . What’s yours? I posted this for the comments LMFAO! If you don’t want to be cheated on , buy some dildos like Waiguru and fuck yourself coz the next man these days is like the first . Or Stay with him and use protection or leave and stay single, that’s up to you . The ratio of Woman to man is 3-1 . and there’s Too many hot gals out here, he won’t cry a river for you my dear ! You are allowed to call me all sorts of names . I know REALITY is too harsh for most of you! LOL! It’s 2015 going on to 2016 , someone needs to remind you of these things! #Tutabanana #PapaHapa #LetsJustBeHonest #LetsJustBeReal

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Martin Oduor

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