How to make tasty Biryani

There are many versions of Biryani out there, but the most common thing n tll the recipes you might come across, is there is always meat, rice, and lots of spices.
So I’ll share with you how I make my biryani, with little additions and subtractions that I’ve learned from YouTube videos along the way.
Biryani is not a fast meal, the meat NEEDS to marinate. So for guys who work in a 9am-5pm environment, I’d advise you try it on the weekends, holidays or if you are able to marinate the meat over night the better.
Beef/chicken- 1kg
Garlic- 1 tablespoon paste
Ginger-1tablespoon paste
Pawpaw: 1(grated)
Yogurt/ maziwa mala- 1 (if using yogurt, use natural)
Tomatoes- (preferably canned tomatoes, but you can just slice like 5)
Lime- juice of 1 lime
Tomato paste- 1 small can
Mixed spices – cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, black pepper (get full spices then you crash them, they are tastier and have better aroma) so ¾ tablespoon of each
Salt to taste
Onions-5 sliced
Potatoes- ½ kg/ 5
Oil –enough oil
Cut the meat in a slightly bigger than usual chunks (big is better, cooks better gets more flavor), put in a dish/bowl. Then all the spices, ginger/garlic, grated paw paw, and yogurt, then set aside to marinate. Minimum hours to marinate should be 3hrs-overnight.
You mix should look something like don’t be mean with the spices or yogurt.
Quarter the potatoes, dice the onions. These two you will deep fry them till crispy and well-cooked.  Dice the in circles; try making them even so they can all cook evenly, then deep fry to golden brown. Keep your eye on them, too long, they will burn.
Put the tomatoes in your sufuria, with oil. Put your tomatoes, fry till they become soft. Then add the paste, stir for 5 minutes you can add oil if they are sticking to the sufuria.
That’s done, add the meat marinade, mix well. Add th fried potatoes and onions. Add hot water, enough to cover the meal then low your heat, and let cook for 15minutes, occasionally checking.
I make mine coconut rice.
Basmati rice- 2 cups
Coconut milk- 1 packet (I buy from Nakumatt)
Oil- 2tsblespoons
Food color- (I use yellow and red)
Wash and soak the rice like 15-30 minutes. Than the usual ration of 2cups rice:4cups water, I always put a cup less.
So,2 cups water, salt to taste, oil. Let boil. Just the kawaida way you cook rice, then when water starts drying up- I add in the coconut milk. Just drizzle.
Put a pinch like amount of food color, use a spoon the color can stain your fingers. Dissolve in a little water, and then put on the rice. Cover the rice; let the steam do its thing.
Then serve!

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla