How Mohammed Ali, Jamal Gaddafi, Hassan Joho, Yassin Juma and Others Spent Their Eid Mubarak (Photos)

Today, Muslims world over marked Eid Mubarak and in Kenya a number of prominent male Muslim personalities took time of their usual routines to mark their day.

Most opted to spend with friends, members of the public and in communal setting while others took the opportunity for mediation and self introspection. Omar Hassan the Mombasa Senator joined the Mombasa governor at Ronald Ngala primary to mark the event along with the other coastal leaders and members of the public.

Jamal Gaddafi was with family as was the case for Rashid Abdalla. Yassin Juma joined community members while Mohammed Ali spent the time marking and celebrating his father. Here are some of the photos

1. Hassan Joho and Hassan Omar At The Coast

johoeidmubarak4.PNG johoeidmubarak7.PNG 


2. Jamal Gaddafi with Family



3. Yassin Juma With Friends


4. Mohammed Ali with Relative Marking His Father’s Passing




About this writer:

Liatema Munyu