How Cool Is This! Strathmore Lecturer Sets Actuarial Degree Exam Based On Kendrick Lemar Song (Photo)

Strathmore University has built such a robust and squeaky clean image over the years at times it comes off as too serious a place with no fun.

Even with its teams from rugby to hockey participating in the national leagues and doing pretty well, its stringent rules, imposing infrastructure that’s orderly and split across with lush greens, and quiet atmosphere lend it a solemn feel more like a monastery. However, a photo showing a business ethics exam question for an Actuarial class has changed that view.

This is after the business paper quoted from Kendrick Lamar’s Vanity song in relating to the effects of consumerism for its Compulsory Question. It was a pretty cool act that showed how popular culture can be integrated in the academic set up.

It had to be a cool lecturer and a Kendrick Lamar fan who could set such a question and earn the plaudits of many who came across the paper. Here is the question.


About this writer:

Liatema Munyu