Hot 96 Presenter Ciru Muriuki Puts Mohammed Ali on Blast for What He Did To Cheryl Kitonga, Jacob Juma’s Alleged ‘Sponsoress’

Cheryl Kitonga was just a random Kenyan girl who was thrust into infamy after being exposed in Mohammed Ali’s investigation story as the lady who was with Jacob Juma the night of his murder.

Cheryl is heard telling a cab driver in the conversation that that night she met Jacob was the first time and she has been questioned over his shooting.

She also expressed fear over her ‘sponsoress’ activities coming out to light especially due to the fact that she lives with her very strict parents.

Ciru Muriuki is now expressing displeasure over this expose and asked why Cheryl was not granted anonymity like everyone else in the expose.


“How come everyone in that Jicho Pevu got the courtesy of anonymity except Cheryl Kitonga?” she asked.

About this writer:

Sue Watiri