HIV/AIDS Affects A Member Of The Tusker Project Fame House(VIDEO)

.HIV/AIDs is a certified killer. And it’s deathly grip has been felt by someone in the house. I guess they say that when it comes to HIV/AIDS, we are all either infected or affected. And one rather brave lad has stepped forth to talk about how HIV/AIDS has affected him. Why is this brave you ask? Well, simply because of the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS.


This year’s TPF contestant who goes by the name Kojjo recently opened up and spoke about how his life has been affected by HIV/AIDS and how it changed the course of his life drastically. Why you ask? Well, first of all please allow me to say that the lad is HIV negative. Once that clarification has been made, allow me to move on with my story.

TPF6’s Kojjo recently gave a rather moving interview in which he spoke about how he lost both his parents to the scourge and I have to take my hat off in salutation to this rather brave move. You can be sure that now someone with the platform has stepped out top talk about the scourge, others will feel more at ease.

Watch the rather moving interview below:



About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)