Highly Intelligent Kenyan Women Speak Out On Vera Sidika’s Bleaching: Caroline Mutoko Comes Out Spitting Fire And Venom

Uncle Chim Tuna has decided to allow Kenya’s most intelligent female celebrities and media personalities an opportunity to speak out about their take on bleaching. When I reached out to Caroline Mutoko who is out of the country in New York, she responded with some very harsh words. I need everyone to read what she has to say very carefully and internalize.



Can we all get a grip and stop being so pretentious.
In polite society, bleaching is called “toning”. International celebrities acquire a newer, fresher, brighter, skin “tone”. Nkt. Bleaching is supposedly that crazy thing they do on river-road or in the backstreets of Kingston Jamaica.
Vera said as much on Larry’s show and we chose to ignore her. Amazing how blind and deaf we get when we have bile. Ciera, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Iman ….yes the whole lot have had their skin “toned”. Why is Vera in focus? Because she went afew shades too light? The rest went a shade or two lighter and looked, “nicer, brighter”. The limelight requires and demands a certain look from those who play the game. Better teeth, firmer boobs, brighter skin, bigger hair etc etc. All of it is available with the right money and right doctor.
Very few women can play the “not me” card here. Your hair though not as plentiful as Vera’s is not allll yours. Your nails, your eyes, (yes eye liner counts), lips, your eyebrows…. even your height – babe, you’re a lot shorter without those shoes. We have all done things to enhance ourselves. 
Vera’s sin is that she celebrated it. She refused to be shamed by it and worse still is clearly celebrating it.  I think we hate the fact that we didn’t get to “out” her, and even when she finally showed up, she was clearly happy.
Vera is a sensation because she owned this story from the get go – So much so, she’s gone global in 72hours. In her business – there is no such thing as bad publicity.
Here’s the bottom line – as long as you didn’t wake up looking like you do right now – spare me the “holier than thou” attitude. As women we are always enhancing something about ourselves. 
Hair, nails, lips, brows, lashes, skin. Vera just cranked it up, way up. The conversation is not about bleaching – it’s about the need to “enhance/change”. What is that need and why? You can’t answer that question for Vera, but maybe you should answer it for yourself.
And before we start that annoying debate on “role models”. Not everyone in the lime-light is a role model or wants to be. You can’t pin labels on people without first confirming with them what they want. You can’t. You also have no business getting bent out of shape because you made a decision about YOUR life based on mine, yet you never checked with me about MY plans for MY life. I don’t need your permission to be me. Vera doesn’t need anyone’s permission to lighten her skin tone, put on a weave or live life her way. She would not be this big a deal if we simply ignored her. But we can’t, can we. We are our own worst enemies when it comes to feeding the monster.
I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again – Do you. Make the decisions that make sense for you. If that includes some skin toning, so be it.

About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)