Highly Intelligent Kenyan Women Speak Out On Vera Sidika’s Bleaching: Adelle Onyango

Shut up and listen up and you just might learn something!



I had to get one of Kenya’s most intelligent celebrities; radio personality Adelle Onyango to speak about Vera Sidika’s bleaching ways. Why? Because who better to speak out on bleaching? When you think about it, the two are polar opposites. One is voluptuous, the other, not as endowed. One is light skinned vixen, the other, a proud dark skinned ebony goddess.



One is dating a very successful Nigerian oil tycoon, the other went through a public break up. One uses her man’s money to invest (by her own admission), the other goes it alone.

But both are highly intelligent women, aye, both Vera Sidika and Adelle are highly intelligent. Now for Adelle’s take on bleaching:




First, my opinion is not based on any moral stand point. I think asking me to glorify a hurting individual is asking much of me. And doing that is a disservice to said individual. Bleaching one’s skin cannot be equated to fake nails and weaves. Why? Because of the health implications you expose yourself to. Bleaching has been shown to lead to skin cancer, liver disease and of course acne eventually. An individual who is willing to risk those diseases surely does have serious insecurities. And we may laugh it off, make it a trending topic but at the end of the day, I think she needs people around her who can help her address those insecurities.

Then there’s those of the school of thought “my body my business”, surely, the girl was on national television making it our business.


About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)